- Very smooth low profile
- Rugged and reliable
- Materials used have high UV resistance
- Protects from over inflation and excess pressure build-up due to solar heat
- 100% tested for opening and closing pressures
- High flow for size
- Approved to ISO 9650 and ISO 15738 as a transfer valve
- Rapid installation with clamp fitting – no welding or adhesive required
- –30ºC to +65 ºC operating temperature
- Easy removal if necessary, for cleaning
Product Description
The A6 Pressure Relief Valve has become a firm favourite with many manufacturers of leisure liferafts, RIBs and river rafts around the world. It is ideal for any use where compact and reliable valves are critical, for example, on commercial & military inflatable boats. The opening and closing pressures are accurately pre-set and repeatable.
A filter cap is available for use in environments where contamination is possible e.g. river rafts. This prevents contamination without affecting the pressure relief function.
A range of pressure settings are available (see selection chart). The valves are marked with the date and pressure setting.
The valve is available in grey, black or white. We can provide a black or red plug where a secondary seal is required, for example in liferaft applications. Please note that when the plug is in place, the valve does NOT function as a pressure relief valve.
It is also available as a non-return valve only with a nominal opening pressure of 0.29psi (0.02bar).
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Accessories and Service Tools

D7/C7/A6/A9 Tool Kit Spanner – C166051
Small, low cost spanner for use in the field or as part of a spares kit
For use on D7, C7 valves and A6, A9 Pressure Relief Valves
Cannot be used with a torque wrench

A6 Filter Cap
For use in environments where contamination is possible e.g. river rafts.
Ultrafine mesh prevents contamination without affecting the pressure relief function.
Ideal to ensure that the valve continues to seal effectively in sandy or muddy environments
Easily removed for cleaning

A6 Valve Plug
Provides an effective secondary seal on the valve. This is required for some life raft approvals. This cap can also be used to prevent air loss through the pressure relief valve when an inflatable chamber is experiencing heavy impacts in rough seas, causing pressure spikes.
Available in Black or Red.
Highly resistant to Ozone, oil and other contaminants.
Please note that when the plug is in place, the valve does NOT function as a pressure relief valve.

A6 Factory Fitting Tools – TMC1040
Used together with a torque spanner. This will ensure that the correct tightening torque is applied every time when installing the valve.
Avoids damaging the valve during tightening.
Please refer to Installation Sheet – 15439
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“Gemini have been using the tried and tested Leafield valves in our commercial and professional RIBS for many years and will continue to do so.“
“The service and lead times are always good and most importantly the valves are too.”
“I always carry an extra Leafield valve on wild and scenic rivers but I know I’ll never need it”